mailto chrome

Version: 17.0.963.56 Windows XP I opened Gmail today and it asked if I wanted to use gmail for email links. I selected yes, but should not have. Now, whenever I click an email link in Chrome (mailto link) it opens Gmail. I need it to open Outlook as it di

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  • Open mailto: links with your favorite online email service
    Mailto: - Chrome Web Store
  • Version: 17.0.963.56 Windows XP I opened Gmail today and it asked if I wanted to use gmail...
    How do I change the mailto in Chrome? - Google Product ...
  • Makes mailto: links open a Gmail compose window. Nothing more, nothing less.
    Mailto: for Gmail™ - Chrome Web Store
  • It seems like the mailto links we're embedding in our website fail to do anything in C...
    html - Mailto links do nothing in Chrome but work in Firefox ...
  • If you ever need to removing this setting, you can do that at chrome://settings/handlers i...
    Getting Gmail to handle all mailto: links with registerProto ...
  • I've tried to narrow down the problem, but it's hard. All other mailto links work ...
    Mailto links are not working in Chrome - Google Product ...
  • A few months after Google Calendar added support for handling webcal: links in Chrome, Gma...
    Open Mailto: Links Using Gmail in Google Chrome
  • Hi Melody, In my opinion you shouldn't use target attribute with an email link. Target...
    mailto: links in Google Chrome - Google Groups
  • mailto-chromeextension A Chrome and Opera extension that handles mailto: links M...
    GitHub - Famlammailto-chromeextension: A Chrome, Opera and ...
  • Feedly 的體驗頗令人滿意,除了分享裡的郵寄功能-Feedly 的郵寄是使用 mailto: ... 早就沒有安裝任何郵件客戶端軟體(亦即沒有安裝 Outlook 或 Thun...
    [教學] 設定 mailto: 為 Gmail 的步驟